Ór Real Irish Butter - Sustainable Farming.

Ór Real Irish Butter - Sustainable Farming.

Ór Real Irish Butter - Sustainable Farming.

At North Cork Creameries - Home of Ór Real Irish Butter we support and understand the importance of sustainable farming.

North Cork Creameries is a farmers owned cooperative which has produced top quality milk from certified grass fed cows since 1928. Our farmers who are the heart of our coop community have worked with us for generations and have sustainable farming at the core of what they do day to day. Our farmers understand that as generations before them, their actions now will impact the generations to come and their mission is to support sustainable dairy farming for the future. Their goal is to focus on the needs of the present and producing top quality milk - but always with an eye to the future generations and ensuring their ability to continue traditional sustainable farming methods.

Sustainable farming by definition is an approach to farming that we can sustain into the foreseeable future. Environmental sustainability means the careful & efficient use of our natural resources such as water, soil & nutrients. The key initiatives that our farmers work with as part of their core values are:

  • Mitigating Greenhouse Gas Emissions

  • Promoting Water Quality

  • Enhancing Soil Structure & Fertility

  • Encouraging Biodiversity on Farms

  • Animal Welfare

Simply put at North Cork Creameries home of Ór Real Irish Butter we understand that top quality grass means happy cows, producing the best quality milk means happy farmers and reassuringly tasty traditional butter. Our farmers use a blend of the initiatives below to ensure sustainable methods - to ensure that the tradition of Ór Real Irish Butter itself can be enjoyed not just now but for future generations too.

  • Extending the grazing season to reduce carbon emissions

  • Improving Breeding on the farm

  • Fertilizer Efficiency

  • Energy Efficiency

  • Hedgerow management, habitat management & biodiversity

“At North Cork Creameries - Home of Ór Real Irish Butter we support and understand the importance of sustainable farming”